The Recreation Access Network
The Recreation Access Network

LandTrust Plus Logo

Your ultimate toolkit to hunt private.

Be the first to know about new properties, get property updates from landowners, book next season with confidence, and get deals on the best brands in the business.

Less than $1 per day

Billed yearly at $299/year

LandTrust Plus Photo Members
LandTrust Plus Photo Members
"DIY private land hunting simplified"
"DIY private land hunting simplified"
“I love getting updates from my favorite properties”
“Indispensable for non-resident hunters”

An all-in-one solution for your next private land hunt.

Always have first dibs on new hunts.
With LandTrust+ you’ll always have first dibs to book the hunt you’ve been waiting for, before it’s sold out for the season.
Learn More
Confidently book hunts for next season.
Draw Protection enables you to lock in your hunts for next season on your favorite LandTrust properties before the tag drawings are announced and receive a refund if you do not successfully draw your tags
Get notified of landowner updates.
Get updates when new game cam photos are posted, new packages are offered, and key events from landowners.
LandTrust Plus Benefits

See how other sportsmen are using LandTrust+

After years of shady deposits and rescheduling reservations, LT+ makes it simple for me to book hunts in draw locations with confidence and peace of mind.
Profile picture of Colton D.
Colton D.LandTrust+ Member
Knowing what is going on at a property at any given moment is important to me and LandTrust+ helps me scout my favorite properties when I can't physically be there.
Profile picture of Stewart. L
Stewart. LLandTrust+ Member
Getting real-time updates from the Landowners on the properties I have favorited is a gamechanger! This gives me a stronger pulse on what I may encounter on the property and helps me prepare for my trip.
Profile picture of Trevor W.
Trevor W.LandTrust+ Member
Save more time on your next hunt with LandTrust+
Get Email Digests for New Properties
Message Directly with Landowners
Book Trips on Beautiful Properties
Exclusive Access to All Properties
Be the First to Book New Properties
Property Updates from Landowners
Draw Protection on All Hunts
VIP Discounts on Your Favorite Brands
Participation in Exclusive Giveaways
Be the first to book new properties and packages on LandTrust
LandTrust+ members will have exclusive early access to inquire with landowners and book newly listed properties on before non-members can.
early access benefits
early access benefits
Confidently book hunts for next season.
Draw Protection enables you to lock in your hunts for next season on your favorite LandTrust properties before the tag drawings are announced and receive a refund if you do not successfully draw your tags
draw protection benefits
draw protection benefits
Get updates from landowners on properties that you’re interested in.
Following properties enable you to be the first to know when new game cam photos are posted, new packages are offered, and even key events on the landowner’s property like crop harvesting, wildlife sightings, weather, migrations, rut, and more.
field notes benefits
field notes benefits
Deals on our favorite gear in the industry.
We’ve partnered with companies that make some of the best gear in the industry to help you maximize your experience in the field.

A letter from our Founder

Hey gang-

I’m Nic, the founder and CEO of LandTrust.

Hunting on private land has gotten a bad rap over the last few years, but it shouldn’t. Hunting private land is awesome.

It’s incredibly enjoyable to get out on a piece of ground and not have to compete with a bunch of other hunters. You get the opportunity to experience unpressured wildlife. You get to hunt a property exactly how you want to. Most importantly, you can relax and enjoy the peace, quiet, and beauty of the outdoors with your friends and family, which is why most of us hunt.

But getting access to hunt private land changed.

Over the past couple of decades, getting permission to hunt on private land has gotten harder and harder. There are many reasons for this, but a few of the main ones are the changing demographics of landowners, a more lawsuit-happy society, and, most importantly, from my perspective, the loss of huntable lands to development. This has led to more demand for the shrinking amount of huntable private lands.

Before LandTrust, if you wanted to hunt private land consistently, you either needed to own it, marry into it, lease it, or put a bunch of miles on doorknocking and cross your fingers. If you wanted to hunt private land in other states, you were essentially limited to going with an outfitter, which wasn’t a great option for those of us who simply wanted DIY access.

This has led to resentment from hunters towards landowners, outfitters, and even other hunters who lease land.

Since 2019, the team here at LandTrust has been working tirelessly to make DIY private land hunting access as simple and affordable as possible while creating a win-win for hunters and landowners.

Over that time, we’ve listened to feedback from sportsmen who’ve booked thousands of trips across the country, which has led us to create the LandTrust+ premium membership.

With LandTrust+, we wanted to give the modern DIY private land hunter the ultimate toolkit to plan and book amazing hunting experiences with confidence.

We took some of the best insider benefits that employees working at LandTrust enjoy, like seeing new properties before they come online, getting game cam photos and updates from landowners, and gear discounts from our favorite brands, and decided to turn them into products that LT+ members could also have.

LT+ is what we at LandTrust want to use every day and what we want to share with you.

We can’t wait to hear what you think and don’t be shy on giving us feedback on how to improve.

Founder & CEO
Founder & CEO

Questions? We’ve got answers.

Can I subscribe to LT+ on a monthly basis?

Do I have to be a LT+ member to inquire and book properties on LandTrust?

Can I cancel my LT+ subscription?

How long does Early Access give LT+ members before properties and packages are open to non-LT+ sportsmen for inquiring and booking?

As an LT+ member, where can I see the listings and packages that are currently only available for Early Access?

What types of property updates are included in Field Notes?

How often do properties have Field Notes updates?

How does Draw Protection work?

How do I use my Draw Protection for a LandTrust booking that I didn’t draw a tag for?

Is LT+ required to receive the extended refund policy?

What if some members of my group draw, but others don’t?

Does every member of my trip need to have LT+ to receive Draw Protection benefits?

I’m an LT+ member, but the property I’m interested in doesn’t allow pre-draw bookings, why?