DK Cattle
DK Cattle
DK Cattle
DK Cattle
DK Cattle

DK Cattle

Nearest Town, Holton, Kansas
155 acres

My wife and I come from four generations of farming in our family. In 2015, we started our own commercial cattle operation, specializing in SimAngus and Angus genetics for the profit minded, cow herd focused commercial cow-calf producer!

We have used this 160-acre piece primarily for pasture; however, this is a great local spot property with lots of potential about 20-25 minutes from Topeka and Interstate 70. 

On the farm, if you work your way towards our southern boundary, we have good cover for deer, turkey, and quail to thrive. We have a feeder set up here as well, with a camera pointed at it to catch game. We'll do our best to update photos on our LandTrust listing as they come through. We do have some dry creek bottoms that are covered with walnut, oak, and cedar trees and brush that are also hotspots for deer and turkey. The property also has multiple ponds that make great water sources for wildlife.

Our property is located on the Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation Reservation in northcentral Kansas.

Field Notes
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Dean K

Hosted by

Dean K

Questions about activities, lodging or amenities?

Available Packages

Late Season Whitetail Doe Hunt
Starting Price $150 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day
Spring Turkey Hunt
Starting Price $150 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day
Pheasant and Quail Hunt
Starting Price $100 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day
Dove Hunt
Starting Price $75 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day
Entire Rifle Season Deer Hunt
Starting Price $900 / Guest
1 Guest
12 Days
Property Visited

During my visit, I observed rolling hills, shallow draws, and brushy and tree-filled washes and fencelines. Dean let me know that this piece has been pasture for quite a while and the cedar trees are taking over one corner of the property for the time being. He does have a nice feeder setup, which should do well in attracting deer and turkeys.

Property Visit on 12/20/2023

Tom Dombroski


LandTrust Field Rep

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be other hunters on the property for the days I book?
How is the population this year?
Will I receive property maps so that I can plan my hunt?
Does LandTrust allow a day for scouting pre-hunt?
How do I know every property/available package is authentic?

Property Access & Ground Rules

  • Check In: After 5:00 AM
  • Check Out: Before 8:00 PM
  • Nearby Interstate: 20+ miles
  • Nearby Highway: 0-10 miles
  • Nearby Airport: 20+ miles
  • Campfires: Not allowed
  • Pets: Allowed on property
  • ATV's: Not allowed
  • Parking: Yes
  • Vehicles: 2 Allowed
  • Drive-in Access: Yes
  • Walk-in Access: Yes
  • Guests: 6 Allowed

Landowner Rules: Leave any gates as found.

Cancellation Policy: Refunds are only available within 48 hours of the landowner accepting your booking request. View Policy


Dean K

Hosted by

Dean K

Response rate: 66%


Dean K

Hosted by

Dean K