Daugherty Farms
Daugherty Farms
Daugherty Farms
Daugherty Farms
Daugherty Farms
Nearest Town, Warsaw, Ohio
187 acres

Ground Hog Huntat Daugherty Farms

Package Includes
1 Guest
1 Day

Hunt ground hogs here in Coshocton County.

Our acreage is prime ag ground along the Walhonding River. The acreage is made up of two parcels, a 39-acre and a 148-acre piece, about a half-mile apart. Both parcels provide excellent habitat with a mix of croplands and timbered river-bottom.

We have a good (annoying) population of ground hogs on the farms, that is stronger depending on the crops we have in the fields. This year we have corn, but ground hogs are very strong when we have soybeans in or hay. We have additional acreage that can be hunted. Basically, if we have ground hogs on any of our owned or leased acreage, we want you to come out and shoot em!

What’s Included

  • Gopher
  • Prairie Dog
Hunting Method

Optional Add ons

RV Site | $25.00 / Night

Parking Surface: Grass
Surface Leveled: Yes
Additional Details

Tent Access | $25.00 / Night

Additional Details
Helpful Resources for This Package
Field Notes
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Land Details

Food: Agriculture, Meadows, and Natural Forage
Water: Rivers and Creeks
Shelter: Woods

Kyle D

Hosted by

Kyle D

Questions about activities, lodging or amenities?

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be other hunters on the property for the days I book?
How is the population this year?
Will I receive property maps so that I can plan my hunt?
Does LandTrust allow a day for scouting pre-hunt?
How do I know every property/available package is authentic?

Property Access & Ground Rules

  • Check In: After 4:00 AM
  • Check Out: Before 8:00 PM
  • Nearby Interstate: 20+ miles
  • Nearby Highway: 0-10 miles
  • Nearby Airport: 20+ miles
  • Campfires: Not allowed
  • Pets: Allowed on property
  • ATV's: Allowed
  • Parking: Yes
  • Vehicles: 2 Allowed
  • Drive-in Access: Yes
  • Walk-in Access: Yes
  • Guests: 6 Allowed
Cancellation Policy: Refunds are only available within 48 hours of the landowner accepting your booking request. View Policy


Kyle D

Hosted by

Kyle D

Response rate: 66%

I am the 6th generation on my familys farm. I currently Farm with my wife, kids, parents and few employees. I grew up loving everything outdoors and did lots of hunting and fishing. As I got older I spent more time in a tractor and combine in the fall and just haven't picked up hunting again. I still enjoy shooting groundhogs all summer so I'm not completely out of hunting. I look forward to sharing our awesome properties for others to experience! 

I am the 6th generation on my familys farm. I currently Farm with my wife, kids, parents and few employees. I grew up loving everything outdoors and did lots of hunting and fishing. As I got older I spent more time in a tractor and combine in the fall and just haven't picked up hunting again. I still enjoy shooting groundhogs all summer so I'm not completely out of hunting. I look forward to sharing our awesome properties for others to experience! 
