Daugherty Farms
Daugherty Farms
Daugherty Farms
Daugherty Farms
Nearest Town, Warsaw, Ohio
187 acres  •  GMU: South

Eastern Turkey Huntat Daugherty Farms

Package Includes
1 Guest
1 Day

Hunt Ohio Easterns here in Coshocton County.

Our acreage is prime ag ground along the Walhonding River. The acreage is made up of two parcels, a 39-acre and a 148-acre piece, about a half-mile apart. Both parcels provide excellent habitat with a mix of croplands and timbered river-bottom.

We are located in Ohio's South Zone for turkeys.

Turkey hunters will find ample opportunities due to our riparian habitat and good sources in the fields.

What’s Included

  • Turkey
Hunting Method

Optional Add ons

RV Site | $25.00 / Night

Parking Surface: Grass
Surface Leveled: Yes
Additional Details

Tent Access | $25.00 / Night

Additional Details

GMU and Species Info

Availabile Species: Turkey

Helpful Resources for This Package
Field Notes
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Land Details

Food: Agriculture, Meadows, and Natural Forage
Water: Rivers and Creeks
Shelter: Woods

Kyle D

Hosted by

Kyle D

Questions about activities, lodging or amenities?

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be other hunters on the property for the days I book?
How is the population this year?
Will I receive property maps so that I can plan my hunt?
Does LandTrust allow a day for scouting pre-hunt?
How do I know every property/available package is authentic?

Property Access & Ground Rules

  • Check In: After 4:00 AM
  • Check Out: Before 8:00 PM
  • Nearby Interstate: 20+ miles
  • Nearby Highway: 0-10 miles
  • Nearby Airport: 20+ miles
  • Campfires: Not allowed
  • Pets: Allowed on property
  • ATV's: Allowed
  • Parking: Yes
  • Vehicles: 2 Allowed
  • Drive-in Access: Yes
  • Walk-in Access: Yes
  • Guests: 6 Allowed
Cancellation Policy: Refunds are only available within 48 hours of the landowner accepting your booking request. View Policy


Kyle D

Hosted by

Kyle D

Response rate: 66%

I am the 6th generation on my familys farm. I currently Farm with my wife, kids, parents and few employees. I grew up loving everything outdoors and did lots of hunting and fishing. As I got older I spent more time in a tractor and combine in the fall and just haven't picked up hunting again. I still enjoy shooting groundhogs all summer so I'm not completely out of hunting. I look forward to sharing our awesome properties for others to experience! 

I am the 6th generation on my familys farm. I currently Farm with my wife, kids, parents and few employees. I grew up loving everything outdoors and did lots of hunting and fishing. As I got older I spent more time in a tractor and combine in the fall and just haven't picked up hunting again. I still enjoy shooting groundhogs all summer so I'm not completely out of hunting. I look forward to sharing our awesome properties for others to experience! 
