DunnLand Urban Hunts
DunnLand Urban Hunts
DunnLand Urban Hunts
DunnLand Urban Hunts
DunnLand Urban Hunts

DunnLand Urban Hunts

Nearest Town, Kansas City KS
150 acres

150 acres of Kansas, Missouri River Bluff, Hardwood Timber.

The property is a rough and rugged terrain that grows and holds monster whitetails and turkeys in the center of Kansas City, KS. 

Archery hunts only.

We can customize your hunt to meet your needs, just let us know your thoughts.

Field Notes
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Patrick D

Hosted by

Patrick D

Questions about activities, lodging or amenities?

Available Packages

6-Day Whitetail Split Hunt
Starting Price $4,000 / Guest
1 Guest
6 Days
RV Site(s)
Guided Archery Spring Turkey Hunt
Starting Price $400 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day
RV Site(s)
DIY Archery Spring Turkey Hunt
Starting Price $250 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day
RV Site(s)
3-Day Whitetail Rut Hunt
Starting Price $2,250 / Guest
1 Guest
3 Days
RV Site(s)
5-Day Whitetail Rut Hunt
Starting Price $3,500 / Guest
1 Guest
5 Days
RV Site(s)
3-Day Pre or Post Rut Whitetail Hunt
Starting Price $2,100 / Guest
1 Guest
3 Days
RV Site(s)
5-Day Pre or Post Rut Whitetail Hunt
Starting Price $3,000 / Guest
1 Guest
5 Days
RV Site(s)
Multi-Species Hunt
Starting Price $100 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day
RV Site(s)
Rabbit & Squirrel Hunt
Starting Price $50 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day
RV Site(s)
Whitetail Doe Hunt
Starting Price $250 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day
RV Site(s)
Late Season Doe Hunt 2025
Starting Price $100 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day
RV Site(s)
Outdoor Recreation
Urban Outdoor Recreation
Starting Price $50 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day
RV Site(s)
Property Visited

This property gives one the feeling of being miles from everything despite the fact that it is just 30 minutes from downtown KC. Some pretty challenging terrain on this piece of ground but the deer and Turkey are plentiful here! In fact I have never seen beards as long as the ones the birds on this property have.

Property Visit on 9/29/2022

Tom Dombroski


LandTrust Field Rep

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be other hunters on the property for the days I book?
How is the population this year?
Will I receive property maps so that I can plan my hunt?
Does LandTrust allow a day for scouting pre-hunt?
How do I know every property/available package is authentic?

Property Access & Ground Rules

  • Check In: After 12:00 AM
  • Check Out: Before 12:00 AM
  • Nearby Interstate: 0-10 miles
  • Nearby Highway: 0-10 miles
  • Nearby Airport: 11-20 miles
  • Campfires: Allowed
  • Pets: Allowed on property
  • ATV's: Allowed
  • Parking: Yes
  • Vehicles: 5 Allowed
  • Drive-in Access: Yes
  • Walk-in Access: Yes
  • Guests: 4 Allowed

Landowner Rules: All Kansas laws must be followed at all times.

Cancellation Policy: Refunds are only available within 48 hours of the landowner accepting your booking request. View Policy


Patrick D

Hosted by

Patrick D

Response rate: 89%

Hunting is my passion, but firefighting is my profession. I’m married with 3 children and love to hunt and fish. I manage this land for my own personal hunting. I have decided to sell a limited number of hunts each year to help feed my hunting addiction. The proceeds are all invested back into the management of the land to make it even more productive in the future.

Hunting is my passion, but firefighting is my profession. I’m married with 3 children and love to hunt and fish. I manage this land for my own personal hunting. I have decided to sell a limited number of hunts each year to help feed my hunting addiction. The proceeds are all invested back into the management of the land to make it even more productive in the future.


Patrick D

Hosted by

Patrick D