Lickity Split Outfitters
Lickity Split Outfitters
Lickity Split Outfitters

This listing has been closed and can't be booked.

Nearest Town, Tridell, Utah
2,500 acres

3-Day Waterfowl Huntat Lickity Split Outfitters

Package Includes
1 Guest
3 Days

This package is open for booking 10/21-12/15.

3+ days of prime waterfowl hunting, ground blinds ready and at your disposal, along with decoys that will be there.

Easy access into the blinds, plenty of ducks and geese around!

Can include calls upon request.

This is a DIY HUNT.

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What’s Included

  • Waterfowl
  • Duck
Hunting Method
Hunting Amenities
  • Ground Blinds (4)
Helpful Resources for This Package
Field Notes
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Land Details

Food: Agriculture
Alfalfa, corn and pastures...
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Water: Ponds, Creeks, and Livestock Tanks
There's a canal that runs threw the property, there's also stock ponds for irrigating....
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Shelter: Hills, Draws, Grasslands, Brush, and Woods
There is plenty of cedars, sage brush, cotton woods and Russian olive tress. There's hills and draws that are grassy and they hold up in....
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Melissa R

Hosted by

Melissa R

Questions about activities, lodging or amenities?

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be other hunters on the property for the days I book?
How is the population this year?
Will I receive property maps so that I can plan my hunt?
Does LandTrust allow a day for scouting pre-hunt?
How do I know every property/available package is authentic?

Property Access & Ground Rules

  • Check In: After 5:00 AM
  • Check Out: Before 8:00 PM
  • Nearby Interstate: No
  • Nearby Highway: No
  • Nearby Airport: N/A
  • Campfires: Not allowed
  • Pets: Not allowed on property
  • ATV's: Not allowed
  • Parking: Yes
  • Vehicles: 2 Allowed
  • Drive-in Access: Yes
  • Walk-in Access: No
  • Guests: 4 Allowed

Landowner Rules: Do not cut the fences or damage the property, clean up trash and garbage you bring in. No driving in the corn fields or alfalfa fields.

Cancellation Policy: Refunds are only available within 48 hours of the landowner accepting your booking request. View Policy


Melissa R

Hosted by

Melissa R

My name is Melissa Richards. I was born and raised in Roosevelt, Utah. I am an avid huntress, houndswoman, and outdoor enthusiast. To say I love the outdoors is an understatement. I have hunted, fished, and camped my entire life, and I have experienced just about everything out there. I fell in love with the idea of helping other hunters and huntresses, kids, veterans and disabled people explore and experience what I love. To me, hunting is so much more than merely killing something; it's the experience you have with family and friends that makes it so memorable. From watching a Rocky Mountain sunrise, or witnessing something special like being close to a bugling elk, or hearing coyotes howl in the morning, I am eager to share my love of the outdoors and help others do the same. I would love to share my enthusiasm and excitement of a great hunt with you all!

My name is Melissa Richards. I was born and raised in Roosevelt, Utah. I am an avid huntress, houndswoman, and outdoor enthusiast. To say I love the outdoors is an understatement. I have hunted, fished, and camped my entire life, and I have experienced just about everything out there. I fell in love with the idea of helping other hunters and huntresses, kids, veterans and disabled people explore and experience what I love. To me, hunting is so much more than merely killing something; it's the experience you have with family and friends that makes it so memorable. From watching a Rocky Mountain sunrise, or witnessing something special like being close to a bugling elk, or hearing coyotes howl in the morning, I am eager to share my love of the outdoors and help others do the same. I would love to share my enthusiasm and excitement of a great hunt with you all!
