Ward State Trust Land (116340)
Ward State Trust Land (116340)
Ward State Trust Land (116340)
Ward State Trust Land (116340)
Ward State Trust Land (116340)

Ward State Trust Land (116340)

Nearest Town, Ward
320 acres

This property is located ~1mi north of Ward, CO with access from CO HW 7 & adjacent USFS roads & trails. James Basin Road is a private road and should not be used as a hunting access point to the property. The terrain is primarily rolling hills with a riparian corridor along the South Saint Vrain River. There are multiple seasonal ponds (kettle ponds) on the property that hold water late into the season. US Forest Service land borders the northern and eastern boundaries; Boulder County Open Space (not open to public access) borders the southern & western boundaries. Thick stands of lodgepole pine, alpine and Engelmann spruce are the dominant vegetation type, with pockets of aspen stands. Understory includes shrub juniper, Oregon grape, and a variety of grasses. Riparian areas contain willows, serviceberry, chokecherry, sedges & rushes.

The property is located within Colorado Parks & Wildlife GMU 20. Species that can be found using this land at any given time are: elk, mule deer, moose, & black bear. There is also trout fishing in the South Saint Vrain river that runs through the property.

If you book the property for hunting, you can fish as well for no extra fee.

General elk and private land only tags are valid on this property.

This proprety is at high elevation (9,400'), and snow cover is common late into spring. We have not seen any turkey on the property.


A note on Colorado State Trust Lands:

State Trust Lands are not now, nor have they ever been public lands available for public access. The State Trust Lands program was initiated by the federal government which granted these lands to states at statehood for the purpose of monetizing in order to fund public schools. Grazing leases, oil & gas leases, hunting & recreation leases are just a few of the ways these lands are monetized to raise money to fund public schools and in 2018 alone, Colorado State Trust Lands distributed over $122.3M to Colorado public schools. By booking this property and other State Trust Land properties on LandTrust, you can be happy to know you're directly funding public schools through your outdoor adventures.

Field Notes
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Abe M

Hosted by

Abe M

Questions about activities, lodging or amenities?

Available Packages

1 Guest
1 Day
Outdoor Recreation
1-Day Fishing
Starting Price $25 / Guest
1 Guest
1 Day

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be other hunters on the property for the days I book?
How is the population this year?
Will I receive property maps so that I can plan my hunt?
Does LandTrust allow a day for scouting pre-hunt?
How do I know every property/available package is authentic?

Property Access & Ground Rules

  • Check In: After 12:00 AM
  • Check Out: Before 12:00 AM
  • Nearby Interstate: No
  • Nearby Highway: No
  • Nearby Airport: N/A
  • Campfires: Not allowed
  • Pets: Allowed on property
  • ATV's: Not allowed
  • Parking: No
  • Drive-in Access: No
  • Walk-in Access: Yes
  • Guests: 4 Allowed

Landowner Rules: - No camping or overnight use. Camping is available on adjacent USFS lands. - No motorized use. Access by foot or horseback only. - No smoking, fires, fireworks, or explosives. - No target shooting; no exploding targets. - Employ Leave No Trace methods and leave the property in the same or better condition. - Property boundary is partially fenced & posted; use of GPS unit recommended. - Property is occasionally used for college level wilderness survival courses through a separate permit from the landowner. Please do not disturb existing improvements.

Cancellation Policy: Refunds are only available within 48 hours of the landowner accepting your booking request. View Policy


Abe M

Hosted by

Abe M

Response rate: 83%

Recreation Program Manager for the Colorado State Land Board. We manage land held in trust for the financial benefit of Colorado K-12 public schools.

Recreation Program Manager for the Colorado State Land Board. We manage land held in trust for the financial benefit of Colorado K-12 public schools.


Abe M

Hosted by

Abe M