Whispering Pines
Whispering Pines
Whispering Pines
Whispering Pines
Whispering Pines
Nearest Town, Chappells, South Carolina
150 acres  •  GMU: 2

Newberry County Whitetail Huntat Whispering Pines

Package Includes
1 Guest
1 Day

Archery (includes crossbow), muzzleloader, or rifle/shotgun permitted within season. Just communicate what you'll be hunting with when you request to book.

Minimum of two (2) hunters (2 x $75) and maximum of four (4) hunters (4 x $75) must book this hunt. 

Mandatory scouting day required before any hunt takes place. Landowner will show you property boundries, stands, discuss deer activity, and help plan your best chance for success.

Hunters will hunt the morning, come in for lunch and have option of going back to same stand or moving to an alternate stand of landowner’s choice (weather, wind direction, trail cam activity all factor into relocation stand). 

Stands are set up over deer trails and food plots. 

Shooting distances for archery stands 10 to 30 yards. Crossbow could be further 40 - 60 yds. Muzzleloader and Rifle/Shotgun shooting distances could be anywhere from 10 to 177 yards. 

Additional packages can be accommodated, inquire with landowner. 


SC archery season runs 15 - 30 September (15-days). SCDNR sells Non-Resident hunting licenses in 3-day, 10-day, and annual increments. Deer may still be in velvet. 


SC Primitive Weapons season runs 1 - 10 October (10-days). SCDNR sells Non-Resident hunting licenses in 3-day, 10-day, and annual increments. This period is pre-rut for our deer. Deer will be actively scraping and rubbing.


SC Rifle/Shotgun season runs 11 Oct - 1 Jan (107-days). SCDNR sells Non-Resident hunting licenses in 3-day, 10-day, and annual increments. This period includes our rut for our deer. Deer will be actively seeking mates.

What’s Included

  • Whitetail
  • Bobcat
  • Coyote
Hunting Method
Hunting Amenities
  • Tree Stands (9)
  • Ground Blinds (4)
  • Game Cameras (10)
  • Game Feeders (5)

GMU and Species Info

Availabile Species

Helpful Resources for This Package
Field Notes
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Land Details

Food: Food Plots, Meadows, Natural Forage, and Agriculture
-Natural food sources include acorn, hickory, black walnuts, persimmon, choke cherry, Chickasaw plum, muscadines, berries, and beautyberry. -5 man-made food plots: soybean, sorghum, clover, chicory, cowpeas, chufa, purple top turnips, radishes, and a southern wild mix from NWTF. -5 battery operated feeders spin twice a day (am, pm) dispensing shell corn....
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Water: Creeks
Yes, Sharpe Creek runs all year north to south. There is also a "dry" creek that runs east to west. It has water when the spring that feeds it runs freely or when heavy rains occur. ...
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Shelter: Woods, Brush, and Grasslands
Yes; the property is primarily covered in loblolly pines. Two specific areas are ideal as sanctuaries where the deer can wonder off and bed during the day in thick wooded areas; or they can/do bed in the dog fennel and briars that grow up in the thinning rows of previous logging operations. Hardwood bottoms provide 80 - 100 ft pines and hardwoods turkeys use to roost. Thick briars (blackberry bushes) provide hiding places for rabbits. Grassy areas give turkey and quail areas to nest or move about in search of food. ...
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Michael D

Hosted by

Michael D

Questions about activities, lodging or amenities?

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be other hunters on the property for the days I book?
How is the population this year?
Will I receive property maps so that I can plan my hunt?
Does LandTrust allow a day for scouting pre-hunt?
How do I know every property/available package is authentic?

Property Access & Ground Rules

  • Check In: After 6:00 AM
  • Check Out: Before 8:00 PM
  • Nearby Interstate: 11-20 miles
  • Nearby Highway: 0-10 miles
  • Nearby Airport: 20+ miles
  • Campfires: Not allowed
  • Pets: Not allowed on property
  • ATV's: Not allowed
  • Parking: Yes
  • Vehicles: 4 Allowed
  • Drive-in Access: Yes
  • Walk-in Access: Yes
  • Guests: 8 Allowed

Landowner Rules: - Owner requires all to sign “ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY - RELEASE OF LIABILITY – INDEMNIFICATION – LEASE AGREEMENT” document. -Leave no trace; take all trash out with you when you leave. -All visitors will check in / out with landowner.

Cancellation Policy: Refunds are only available within 48 hours of the landowner accepting your booking request. View Policy


Michael D

Hosted by

Michael D

Response rate: 95%

I am a military disabled veteran and property owner. My wife and I live on our property, so you will meet us when you come out. We are both fully retired and are working to improve our tract environmentally and through the game animals that live here. 

I've been hunting since my teens (upland birds) in Connecticut. Deer hunting since my 20's and various other species when I get the chance. I took my first two-phase black bear (Chocolate/blonde) in Manitoba in May '23, my first tom turkey on our own property (20 lb w/ 9 1/2in beard and 3/4 in spurs), I've taken hogs in SC & GA; Geese & sea ducks in VA; puddle duck in SC; and have been Elk hunting in Mt and Caribou hunting in Alaska. 

My goal is to give you a semi-guided hunt at self-guided prices. I want to hear the story from start to finish of your experience or even more so your son/daughter, grandchild harvested their first here with us at Whispering Pines. 

I am a military disabled veteran and property owner. My wife and I live on our property, so you will meet us when you come out. We are both fully retired and are working to improve our tract environmentally and through the game animals that live here. 

I've been hunting since my teens (upland birds) in Connecticut. Deer hunting since my 20's and various other species when I get the chance. I took my first two-phase black bear (Chocolate/blonde) in Manitoba in May '23, my first tom turkey on our own property (20 lb w/ 9 1/2in beard and 3/4 in spurs), I've taken hogs in SC & GA; Geese & sea ducks in VA; puddle duck in SC; and have been Elk hunting in Mt and Caribou hunting in Alaska. 

My goal is to give you a semi-guided hunt at self-guided prices. I want to hear the story from start to finish of your experience or even more so your son/daughter, grandchild harvested their first here with us at Whispering Pines. 
