The Recreation Access Network
The Recreation Access Network

Book your next Montana Elk 426 hunt with LandTrust, the best way to hunt private land.

For elk hunters looking for new opportunities in 426, makes it easy to connect directly with landowners and book elk hunts. Unlike expensive annual leases, guided hunts, or door knocking, LandTrust makes accessing private land for elk hunting simple.

HD 426

This district is situated in central Montana, just south of the Missouri River and west of the renowned “Missouri River Breaks.” While it isn’t officially part of the “Breaks,” it shares similar habitat characteristics, albeit with more agricultural land compared to the neighboring districts to the east. The landscape features extensive agricultural fields and cattle pastures, interspersed with long, rugged drainages that descend into expansive river bottoms. This area is experiencing a growing elk population.

Elk Hunt
3,275 Acres at Moseman 75 Inc | North in Hilger, MT
Starting Price$225 / Guest

Season Info - 2024

2025 season info will be updated once it's released by the state.

General Elk License

Opportunity: Antlerless Elk
Season Dates:
Archery Only Season: 9/7/2024 - 10/20/2024
General Season: 10/26/2024 - 12/1/2024
Heritage Muzzleloader Season: 12/14/2024 - 12/22/2024
Tag Availability: Resident: OTC, Non-Resident: Draw

Elk Permit: 417-21

Opportunity: Either-sex Elk
Season Dates:
Archery Only Season: 9/7/2024 - 10/20/2024
Tag Availability: Resident: Draw, Non-Resident: DrawDetails: 1st and only choice. Only valid in HDs 417 and 426. Permit must be used with a valid General Elk License. Holders may not hunt Antlered Elk in any other HD during these described season dates.Quota: 300

Elk Permit: 426-20

Opportunity: Either-sex Elk
Season Dates:
Archery Only Season: 9/7/2024 - 10/20/2024
General Season: 10/26/2024 - 12/1/2024
Heritage Muzzleloader Season: 12/14/2024 - 12/22/2024
Tag Availability: Resident: Draw, Non-Resident: DrawDetails: 1st and only choice. Permit must be used with a valid General Elk License. Holders may not hunt Antlered Elk in any other HD during these described season dates.Quota: 60

Elk B License: 004-00

Opportunity: Antlerless Elk
Season Dates:
Tag Available Date: 8/12/2024
Archery Only Season: 9/7/2024 - 10/20/2024
General Season: 10/26/2024 - 12/1/2024
Heritage Muzzleloader Season: 12/14/2024 - 12/22/2024
Tag Availability: Resident: OTC, Non-Resident: OTCDetails: Not valid on National Forest lands, FWP WMAs, or CMR Refuge. Valid in all Region 4 HDs except HDs 410 and 455 as listed under each HD.Quota: UNLQuota Range: UNL

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